Please read the below and follow these steps to safe water use for your Pet Krabooz
Never use untreated tap water for your hermit crabs drinking water and food preparation. Chlorines, chloramines, heavy metals and fluorines are harmful to hermit crabs.
You can simply fill an old water bottle and add the recommended amount of de-chorinator drops (Doopa Dropz) to the water then fill each water bowl. Having the prepared water bottle makes refilling the water Bowlz and Poolz easier.
Tap water may be used for cleaning, as long as you rinse the surfaces one last time with de-chlorinated water before wiping it dry or you have boiled the tap water. Use vinegar or lemon juice for stubborn dirt patches. Never use detergent or bleach. Rinse well.
Hermit crabs need both fresh and salt water
All hermit crabs should have access to both fresh water and salt water at all times. New crabbers are often told by pet stores and books that hermit crabs use fresh and salt water for drinking and bathing respectively. This is not exactly true, since hermit crabs will drink from either bowl. They will also store water inside their shells. The shell water keeps their abdomen and gills hydrated and functional. Keep water depth enough for them to get water into their shells and submerge. Too deep water dishes could be a hazard for drowning if they cannot get out of the bowl easily. We recommend putting a natural sea sponge “The Krabooz Soggy Sea Sponge” in their water dishes that helps them get in and out of the water, and they also assist with humidity levels. The natural sea sponge also contains chitin which is a health benefit as it helps to strengthen their exoskeleton.
Note: Remember to clean the sea sponge every two days so no nasty bacteria forms on them.
Salt Water Poolz – Fill your Salt Water Poolz with de-chlorinated water and sprinkle in a few grains of our aqua marine “Saltz”. Refill water as required.
Fresh Water Bowlz – Fill you water bowl with de-chorinated water. Hermit crabs can be quite adventurous and spill their water frequently. This is ok as the moisture is absorbed by the sand and creates the perfect texture for burrowing. Refill as required.