Help! My Krabooz Is Naked!
If you find a naked crab in your home, there may be several factors causing this. A stolen shell from another hermit crab – Hermit crabs are forever looking for their “perfect home” so they will be looking for alternatives, even if someone else is already in it! Always keep a variety of spare shells in all shapes and sizes within their home. This will stop bullying over shells and hermit crabs “streaking” when they no longer enjoy the shell they are in.Stress – Stress can be from many factors. Their environment isn’t correct,(too hot or too cold), an injury (check obvious signs of torn abdomen , loss of limbs). Correct any modifications needed to fix the environment.To help get your naked crab back into his shell, place him gently into a container with a tiny bit of water and some spare shells for him to choose from. Cover with a dark cloth or similar so he has privacy and less likely to become more stressed. Be patient, and check back in an hour or so and he should be in a new shell!